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21-Jan-2025: PODCAST: Manage This 217 - Exploring HYPERID: A New Frontier in Hybrid Project Management

We are excited to announce that Arash was a guest on the outstanding Manage This podcast – a highly regarded show dedicated to the world of project management. During the episode, he talked about the background and concepts of HYPERID and its transformative potential for project management.

Listen to this episode and let hear your thoughts on HYPERID and the topics covered in the podcast. Your feedback means a lot!

Check it out here:

17-Dec-2024: Exciting Recognition for HYPERID

We are proud to share with you that Mike Clayton, the founder of the renowned project management platform and a leading expert in the field of project management, has published an article about HYPERID, referring to it a"truly hybrid approach to big projects" and a "valuable contribution to the evolving need for truly hybrid methodologies" among other things.


09-Sep-2024: PODCAST: SPaMCAST 828 - HYPERID Ignites – Arash Parsania’s Breakthrough Methodology, A Conversation

We are thrilled to announce that Arash was a guest on the renowned and fantastic SPaMCAST (Software Process and
Measurement Cast) podcast to discuss HYPERID.

In this episode you will hear why a new methodology was needed, how HYPERID serves all project types and how it
differentiates from Scrum and the Waterfall approach, also what the core elements of this methodology are.


We love to hear your thoughts on HYPERID and the podcast.
Check it out here (click on the name of the platform of your choice):

28-May-2024: The book about HYPERID is now also available in English

Today marks a significant milestone as the English-speaking community gains detailed insights into the HYPERID methodology with the book about HYPERID being now also available in English, now as an eBook and shortly in print too.

The book is available at all booksellers of your choice. Here are the links to Amazon:

English version:

German version:

This publication paves the way for projects beyond the German-speaking world to benefit from HYPERID and contribute to the greater success of participating companies worldwide.

03-Apr-2024: [GERMAN] PODCAST -Hybrides PM und Rückblick beim Projektmanagementpodcast

Der führende deutsche Projektmanagement-Podcast, "" veröffentlich mit dieser Episode einen guten Überblick über hybride Methoden im Projektmanagement. Unteranderem geht es hierbei auch um HYPERID.

Ein guter Überblick, der sicher hilft, sich  besser zurechtzufinden. 
Hört rein und teilt uns allen Eure Meinung mit.


Projektmanagementpodcast: KLICK!

15-Nov-2023: [GERMAN] PODCAST - HYPERID bei ""

Wir freuen uns, darüber zu informieren, dass heute ein Interview mit Arash Parsania zu HYPERID beim führenden deutschen Projektmanagement-Podcast, "" erschienen ist. In dieser Episode sprach er über die Entstehung von HYPERID, die Grund-Prinzipien dahinter und wie sie Teams dabei unterstützt, jeden Projekt- und Produkttyp zu bedienen, vom klassischen Hochhausbau bis hin zur Entwicklung von KI-gestützter Software.

Hört rein, um mehr über HYPERID zu erfahren und teilt Euer Feedback mit uns direkt oder auf sozialen Medien mit.

Spotify: KLICK!

iTunes: KLICK!


Google: KLICK!


06-Nov-2022: HYPERID featured by the IAPM


The IAPM (International Association of Project Managers) has published a blog article on HYPERID.


Click here to read the full article: CLICK!


The International Association of Project Managers (IAPM) is a globe-spanning association and certification body for project managers. The organisation is headquartered in Liechtenstein.

06-Nov-2022: [GERMAN] HYPERID vom Projektmagazin angekündigt


Das deutschsprachige Projektmanagement-Portal "Projektmagazin" hat heute die Veröffentlichung des Buches zu HYPERID angekündigt.

Hier findest Du den vollständigen Artikel: KLICK!


The International Association of Project Managers (IAPM) is a globe-spanning association and certification body for project managers. The organisation is headquartered in Liechtenstein.

18-Sep-2022: HYPERID Is Live!


HYPERID ([ˈhaiprid]), a Hybrid Methodology for Project and Product Management, is now live and available to the public.


One of its key features is that it can serve all project and product types, so no matter whether they have been previously implemented using linear methods (waterfall), e.g. as in the construction of bridges, or agile methods such as Scrum have been the method of choice, e.g. in further development of smartphone apps.

Another key feature is to maximize delivery efficiency while maintaining the focus on value creation. And there is much more.

And this website is the home for this methodology. Explore HYPERID on this website, use it to improve the performance of your projects and product development, and help us with your feedback to improve it even further!

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