Get The Book
The book on the HYPERID methodology is currently available in English and German. You can purchase a hard copy or eBook from your favorite booksellers or online stores.
Among others from the following below (click on the logos):
HYPERID - Book in English
HYPERID - Book in German
In order to allow the users and interested people to plan and prepare their projects and products according to HYPERID right from the beginning of its release, there are already 2 tools available that can be used until tools providers can provide corresponding online tools.
If you have already purchased the HYPERID book, you can get the HYPERID tools once for free. Currently and until further notice, the tools are only available to people who have purchased the book.
Please be advised to check the system requirements and other terms of use of the tools BEFORE you download them. You can only get them once per purchased book and you have a very short time to activate your license after downloading the tools.
Click on the following button to get the HYPERID tools:
(Project Scope Catalogue)
(Project Estimation Planning
and Pricing Tool)