PSC - Get Started!
Please find on this page information on how to use the individual worksheets of the PSC.
Worksheet Overview
The Overview worksheet holds general information about the project or product.
Please enter information here such as project/product name, a unique project/product identifier (usually company specific), customer, supplier (Implementing Entity) as well as a description or any additional information.
Button "Clean up the Workbook!" cleans all worksheets of this workbook.
©Arash Parsania 2022
©Arash Parsania 2022
Worksheet Purpose & Goals
This worksheet is used to document the purpose and goals of the project or product. Describing them carefully is important here, since the necessary stakeholders are derived from this and the requirements, services, deliverables, and constraints to be defined must be based on the entries here.
The columns "Unique ID" and "Goal Structure" are not editable and are operated via the buttons "Create Missing IDs" and "Recreate Whole Structure" (more on this below).
The Level column is intended for creating hierarchies (this approach is followed on other worksheets as well). The first hierarchy level has to be marked with Level 1. If there is a new entry with level 2 directly below an entry with level 1, it is considered a sub-item of the previous one in the hierarchy. The same applies to further levels 3, 4,5,..., n.
Skipping a hierarchy level is not allowed. For example, an entry with level 3 cannot follow directly after an entry with level 1 (because the hierarchy level 2 would be missing here). Example for a simple entry:
The buttons "Create Missing IDs" and "Re-create Whole Structure" create the structure and the unique identifiers (Unique ID) in this worksheet.
Button "Re-create Whole Structure":
This button deletes ALL entries in the "Unique ID" and "Goal Structure" columns and resets them.
Attention: Be careful with this feature! Since all Unique IDs are reassigned here, you may lose track of your project/product if you reference the previous IDs in other places (e.g. in other tools). In this case you may have to update all references.
After clicking this button, the following Goal structure and Uniques IDs are created in our example:
button "Create Missing IDs":
This button is used to create the structure and unique IDs for new entries, or entries with changed levels, without changing the rest of the existing entries.
If we change the level of the last entry from 1 to 3 and enter two new Goal Summaries, we will get the following picture before we operated the peel area (Please note that the Goal Structure and Unique ID for the changed level were automatically deleted):
Clicking the "Create Missing IDs" button causes the changed and new entries to be given corresponding structure numbers and unique IDs:
Button "Sort According to the Basedlined Structure":
This button sorts the individual entries according to the baselined structure, which corresponds to an ascending order of Unique IDs (UIDs).
Prerequisite for this is a previously generation of UIDs with the buttons "Create Missing IDs" or "Re-create Whole Structure". The structure created here is restored with this button.
Worksheet Stakeholders
The purpose of this worksheet is to ...
document all relevant stakeholders for the project/product.
set the basis for gathering and documenting requirements
set the basis for documentation of roles and responsibilities (RASCI)
set the basis for stakeholder management
provide the necessary information for other worksheets such as the Requirements worksheet.
The column "Stakeholder Key" is not editable. A Stakeholder Key is automatically created here based on the entries in the columns "First Name", "Last Name", "Project Role", Stakeholder Type" and "Company" (all color-coded).
The "Stakeholder Type" column defines which stakeholder type a person corresponds to (for the project/product). These can be stakeholder types like "Requester", "Reviewer", "Approver", "Supplier", and so on.
Button "Recreate Stakeholder Key Names List" is there to amend the list of stakeholder keys based on your entries and make all stakeholder keys available for other worksheets.
©Arash Parsania 2022
Worksheet Requirements
This is the core of the PSC. In this worksheet, all functional and non-functional requirements are captured, prioritized and assessed.
The result of the first ADP approximation is also reflected here (EoR) to support release and phase planning.
In General:
On the left side of the worksheet you see a vertical menu bar. This entire area refers to one requirement. You can click in any cell in the related row of a requirement and see all the data related to the respective requirement in the left menu bar. This serves the purpose of being able to see and edit all available data about a requirement at once, which is not always very easy in single cells of Excel.
Basically, you have the option to enter the data where it suits you better. The data entry/update can be done directly in the cells of the worksheet, or also directly in the left form.
Explanations for the left menu bar:
Add a Requirement button:
Under the HYPERID logo, just above the Form Menu, you have the option to insert a blank row to enter a new requirement. You can use the "After" and "Before" radio buttons to insert the empty row before or after the active row. The active row is the one in which a cell is currently clicked. For reference, you can find the row before or after which the empty row will be added directly under the "After" radio button with the title "Row".
Below the "Add a Requirement!" button you will find information about the currently active row. "Row" corresponds to the respective row number in the worksheet, and "Unique ID" to the unique identifier of the requirement. Both data are not editable, but read-only information.
To the right of "Unique ID" you will find the button "Update!". If you have made changes and additions to requirements in the form menu, you can transfer all information to the corresponding row in the worksheet with the "Update!" button. As soon as you have made a change in the form, a corresponding note appears above the button that the changes have not yet been transferred to the worksheet until you actively do so.
The logic for the assignment of the Unique IDs (as well as the Requirements Structure) corresponds to the logic already explained in the worksheet "Purpose & Goals". The ID results from the level entered in the "Level" field.
The radio buttons for "In" and "Out" help to set individual requirements in or out of scope. This saves time and helps to keep the information in case you need it again at a later time.
Below this are the fields for the requirement summary and description. -
In the input field "Target Goal(s)" you can enter the goal(s) to which the requirement refers. Logically, this should be one or more goals from the Worksheet "Purpose & Goals".
The next read-only field "Order: Preceding" refers to the below (also) read-only field "Order".
The "Order" field refers to the unique order defined in HYPERID for the prioritization of requirements. If a requirement has been assigned the order number 7, it means that there are only 6 requirements that are more important than it. If we stick to this example and assume that the currently selected requirement would have been given order number 7 in the sequence, in the read-only field "Order: Preceding" above it you would see the requirement that would have been given order number 6 with a higher priority. In the read-only field "Order: Following" below, you would see the requirement that would be in the priority directly after the current requirement (order number 7). this would be Order number 6. This functionality is intended to make prioritization of requirements much easier, as it would allow you to see at a glance where you rank a requirement in terms of priority without having to scroll up and down the worksheet looking for it.
Next to the read-only "Order" field are a drop-down menu for "Priority" and an input field for "EoR", both of which are intended to help place a request in order.
The Priority drop-down menu uses predefined options in the Config worksheet. You can change or add to these in the Config workshet as needed.
The EoR input field is intended for rough estimates (unit is person-day). EoR in HYPERID stands for Estimate on Requirements and is the result of the first ADP Approximation.
Requester should be a stakeholder from the Stakeholders worksheet. The dropdown menu for this is created as already described in the explanations for the worksheet "Stakeholders".
The other input fields are self-explanatory.
Explanations for the top menu bar:
Show Parent Requirements: Pressing this button will display a window showing all parent requirements for the selected requirement up to the highest level.
Delete Requirement(s):
This button deletes complete requirements (rows) and works in combination with the dropdown menu to the right of it.
If "This Requirement Only" is selected in the dropdown menu, only the active row will be deleted.
If "This Requirement AND all in its Subtree" is selected in the dropdown menu, not only the current requirement (active row) will be deleted, but also all other requirements (rows) located in the hierarchical structure below the selected requirement.
Usage of the worksheets Assumptions, Services, Deliverables and Constraints follow the logic of the previous worksheets.
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©Arash Parsania 2022